If you are in search of IMMUNE BOOSTING JUICE RECIPES you have come to the right place.

immune boosting juice recipes

If you have been a regular at the Recipe Depository community, you will know we are all about juicing for your health. Juicing to improve your life and provide the nutrients for a healthy body.

Why Boost your Immune System?

The immune system your bodies defense mechanism. It protects it from outside attackers, like viruses, bacteria, fungus and toxins.

There are many organs, cells and proteins that make up your body’s immune system. These important parts of the body protect the body by distributing white blood cells in the bloodstream to fight off the external invaders.

So why is it worthwhile researching immune boosting juice recipes? Through the essential vitamins and minerals provided by freshly squeezed vegetables and fruits, you can give your body’s immunity.

As the old adage goes….prevention is the best cure.

However, before we get into the immune boosting juice recipes, let’s cover what makes these recipes so good for you and how to make them.

What Ingredients Provide the Immune Boosting Properties?

turmeric health benefits

The reason why we have chosen to include these specific recipes in our top immune boosting juice recipes list is because they include the essential ingredients that specifically help the immune system.

The ingredients that we love to juice are:

  • GINGER – contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that has been shown in a study to actively support your immune system.
  • TURMERIC – contains many medicinal properties that makes it one of the top juicing ingredients in terms of health benefits. Turmeric juice includes high concentrations of antioxidants and lowered risk of heart disease.
  • CARROTS – play their role in providing your immune system with a boost through vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • KALE – is full of antioxidants (such as quercetin and kaempferol) which are essential for the body to fight any free radicals in your system. Free radicals are thought to be a common contributor to diseases, including cancer. The percentage of vitamin C in kale is much higher than other green vegetables (such as spinach).

These are only a few of the primary ingredients that help to prevent nasty viruses or bacteria from taking over your system. Each ingredient in the juice recipes we detail in this article has their role to play.

How to Make an Immune Boosting Juice Recipe

best ginger juicer extractor

If you are going to get serious about building and supporting your immune system with healthy juice recipes, then you will need to get honest about the equipment you are going to use – the juicer.

It is not just a matter of jogging down to your local kitchen appliance store and picking the first juicing machine you see. There are many options on the market and you can easily get overwhelmed. Which juicer is going to be the best for you?

Depending on your personal choices, the optimal juicer may be something completely different to what you first thought. Answering these (below) questions will guide you to the most appropriate choice:

  1. Do you worry about maximum nutritional extraction from your fruits and vegetables?
  2. How much cleaning up do you want to do?
  3. How much juice do you need from each juicing session?
  4. How often are you planning to juice?
  5. Do you have adequate storage space in your kitchen for your juicing machine?

Fortunately, we have done a lot of the research for you when it comes to juicers. You can check out our guide to the Best Juicers here. Even though the article is concentrating on ginger specifically, the same principles can be applied to all the ingredients in these recipes.

Healthy Immunity Boosting Juices

Our Top Immune Boosting Juice Recipe

This has been voted as our favorite immune boosting juice recipe by the Recipe Depository team and community. This recipe uses a very familiar base of Carrot, Apple and Ginger (a crowd favorite), but then takes it up another level by including freshly juiced turmeric root for an added boost.

Carrot, Apple, Ginger and Turmeric Juice

This zinger of a juice is one of my favorites when winter is fast approaching and I want to give my immune system a boost. Many just go for the traditional Carrot Apple Ginger combination, but I like to throw in a splash of turmeric to give me an extra kick of immunity.
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: Juice
Keyword: Apple, ginger, Healthy, Immune Boost, Juice, Morning Juice, Turmeric
Servings: 2 small glasses
Calories: 43kcal
Cost: $$


  • Juicer (or blender)
  • Chopping Board
  • Sharp Knife


  • 1 inch Fresh Ginger approximately a thumb thickness
  • 1/2 inch Fresh Turmeric can substitute with Turmeric Extract or Turmeric powder
  • 3 large Carrots chopped
  • 1 large Apple try to go for a sweet variety for this is the sweet element in the juice.


Juicing Instructions

  • Simply chop the fruit and vegetables into juicing size portions so it can be easily fed into your juicer of choice.
  • Best consumed immediately over some ice to keep it chilled.

Immune Boosting Green Juice Recipe

When it comes to immune boosting properties, you won’t get much more bang for your buck than the Turmeric Greens Health Kick Juice. This zingy juice has everything from turmeric, ginger, orange and even a pinch of pepper to help with the turmeric absorption.

We are also acutely aware some people are not the biggest fans of turmeric and the earthy taste profile it gives juices. So for those of you that fall into this group you can try this Morning Green Juice. You can start your day on the right foot with a nutrient rich juice that includes Kale, Ginger, Cucumber and the sweetness of Apple.

Key Takeaways for Immune Boosting Juice Recipes

Boosting your immune system is critical for fighting off all the viruses and bacteria you come into contact with on a daily basis. A strong immune system also helps to maintain a healthy body.

There is no better way to give your body’s immune system a helping hand by boosting it with nutritious, vitamin rich juices.

You can use our Best Juicing Guide to help you choose the best juicer for your personal circumstances. But more importantly, choosing the right juicer will help you enjoy your juicing adventure.

The right juicing machine accompanied by our Immune Boosting Juicing Recipes we have included above will help you build a robust immune system and have you ready to take on the world.

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